Happy New Year! A Look At Some New Year’s Resolution Ideas

New Year's resolutions Mood Board 2024

2024 is A Year of Starting Over

Looking for some New Year’s resolution ideas? I don’t know about you but 2023 was a really tough year for me. So I’m looking forward to a better year ahead, and while I don’t necessarily believe in hardcore New Year’s resolutions, I always look forward to setting some goals and aspirations that will keep me motivated for the days ahead. Here are some New Year’s resolution ideas for you as well.

Healthy New Year’s Resolution Ideas

  • Exercise regularly and stay active
    • Make it a goal to exercise at least 3 times a week and incorporate different types of physical activities such as running, yoga, or dancing. Stay consistent and track your progress. For me, I love to hike and walk so will continue to explore the outdoors and new trails. I had to give up running in 2019 due to injuries but I love to be outside when possible. I’ve also started the 30 Day Yoga Challenge with Adriene on YouTube, a wonderful motivating series to get me focused on my health.
  • Eat a healthier diet
    • Create a meal plan that includes more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Cut back on processed foods, sugary snacks, and unhealthy drinks. Cook more meals at home and experiment with new healthy recipes. Personally, I fall into a rut at the end of the year. So many activities and interruptions lead to just eating out and/or eating unhealthy. I look forward to a simplified routine with easy, clean eating as a way to get back on track.

Skill Building: New Year’s Resolution Ideas

  • Learn a new skill or hobby
    • Challenge yourself to learn something new this year. It could be playing a musical instrument, painting, coding, or even learning a new language. Dedicate some time each week to practice and improve your skills. I decided late last year to write a book and start this blog as a way to keep practicing my creative writing skills and maybe grow a community of like-minded creatives. Early days and no one is really reading this blog right now, which is ok. I’m also learning the technical side of website development and this will take time to understand. Over the months I hope to continue this creative outlet and see where it takes me.
  • Read more books
    • Set a reading goal for yourself, whether it’s a certain number of books per month or a specific genre you want to explore. Make reading a part of your daily routine by setting aside dedicated time for it, such as before bed or during your commute. I’m an avid reader and last year I made a goal of reading 50 books. I actually read 54! For 2024, my goal will continue to complete 50 books.
  • Save money and manage finances better
    • Create a budget and track your expenses to better understand where your money is going. Look for ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses and start saving for future goals, such as emergencies, vacations, or retirement. I’m late career so am looking forward to retiring sooner than later. I have a rough plan but it’s time to buckle down and have my 10 year plan in place so I will be fully ready to enjoy those years ahead.
New Year's resolution ideas

Self Care Motivation for the New Year

  • Spend more time with loved ones
    • Make it a priority to spend quality time with your family and friends. Plan regular get-togethers, game nights, or outings. Put away distractions like phones and truly engage in meaningful conversations and activities. I wasn’t able to get away as much last year to visit family and friends so I look forward to spending more time with others.
  • Travel to new places
    • Explore new destinations and broaden your horizons. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a longer vacation, make a list of places you want to visit and start planning your trips. Immerse yourself in different cultures, try local cuisines, and make lasting memories. For 2024, I plan on taking two roadtrips up the California coast and one trip to a place unknown. Not sure where yet but excited to research some options.
  • Practice mindfulness and reduce stress
    • Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. This can include meditation, deep breathing exercises, journaling, or practicing gratitude. Find what works best for you and make it a habit. I’m trying to incorporate all these ideas right now. I’ve been under a lot of stress over the past year so am looking to take giant steps to live more peacefully the year ahead.

New Year Goals and Values

  • Volunteer and give back to the community
    • Find a cause or organization that aligns with your values and dedicate some time to volunteer. Whether it’s helping at a local shelter, tutoring students, or participating in environmental initiatives, giving back can be fulfilling and make a positive impact. There’s a sea lion rescue nearby that cares for sick and injured sea lions. I’ve been intrigued about their work and would love to see how I can contribute to this rescue.
  • Set and achieve personal goals
    • Take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve personally and professionally. Set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Break them down into smaller milestones and track your progress along the way. I need to break my goals into smaller bitesize segments or I get discouraged by how large these goals or resolutions can appear at first. In the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, there’s a saying I love to refer to, “If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up 37 times better by the time you’re done.” So small daily changes can add up over time.

So have a wonderful year ahead, and I look forward to growing this blog, publishing my book and trying to live each day as a gift. Looking for other New Year’s motivation? Read on to see how to romanticize the winter season.